CEHv11 Exam Questions And Answered - Part 1

CEH V11 Real Exam Questions And Answered 

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To create a botnet, the attacker can use several techniques to scan vulnerable machines. The attacker first collects information about a large number of vulnerable machines to create a list. Subsequently, they infect the machines. The list is divided by assigning half of the list to the newly compromised machines. The scanning process runs simultaneously. This technique ensures the spreading and installation of malicious code in little time. Which technique is discussed here?

Subnet scanning technique

Topological scanning technique

Permutation scanning technique

Hit-list scanning technique

Harper, a software engineer, is developing an email application. To ensure the confidentiality of email messages, Harper uses a symmetric-key block cipher having a classical 12- or 16-round Feistel network with a block size of 64 bits for encryption, which includes large 8 × 32-bit S-boxes (S1, S2, S3, S4) based on bent functions, modular addition and subtraction, key-dependent rotation, and XOR operations. This cipher also uses a masking key (Km1) and a rotation key (Kr1) for performing its functions.

What is the algorithm employed by Harper to secure the email messages?


GOST block cipher



Consider the following Nmap output:

Starting Nmap X.XX (http://nmap.org) at XXX-XX-XX XX:XX EDT

Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00023s latency).

Not shown: 932 filtered ports, 56 closed ports


21/tcp open ftp

22/tcp open ssh

25/tcp open smtp

53/tcp open domain

80/tcp open http

110/tcp open pop3

143/tcp open imap

443/tcp open https

465/tcp open smtps

587/tcp open submission

993/tcp open imaps

995/tcp open pop3s

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.90 seconds

What command-line parameter could you use to determine the type and version number of the web server?





Bill is a network administrator. He wants to eliminate unencrypted traffic inside his company's network. He decides to setup a SPAN port and capture all traffic to the datacenter. He immediately discovers unencrypted traffic in port UDP 161. What protocol is this port using and how can he secure that traffic?

SNMP and he should change it to SNMP V3

It is not necessary to perform any actions, as SNMP is not carrying important information.

SNMP and he should change it to SNMP V2, which is encrypted

RPC and the best practice is to disable RPC completely

A “Server-Side Includes” attack refers to the exploitation of a web application by injecting scripts in HTML pages or executing arbitrary code remotely.

Which web-page file type, if it exists on the web server, is a strong indication that the server is vulnerable to this kind of attack?





A group of hackers were roaming around a bank office building in a city, driving a luxury car. They were using hacking tools on their laptop with the intention to find a free-access wireless network. What is this hacking process known as?


Wireless sniffing

Spectrum analysis

GPS mapping

Alice needs to send a confidential document to her coworker, Bryan. Their company has public key infrastructure set up. Therefore, Alice both encrypts the message and digitally signs it. Alice uses __________ to encrypt the message, and Bryan uses _______________ to confirm the digital signature.

Alice’s public key; Alice’s public key

Bryan’s private key; Alice’s public key

Bryan’s public key; Bryan’s public key

Bryan’s public key; Alice’s public key

Becky has been hired by a client from Dubai to perform a penetration test against one of their remote offices. Working from her location in Columbus, Ohio, Becky runs her usual reconnaissance scans to obtain basic information about their network. When analyzing the results of her Whois search, Becky notices that the IP was allocated to a location in Le Havre, France.

Which regional Internet registry should Becky go to for detailed information?





Sophia is a shopping enthusiast who spends significant time searching for trendy outfits online. Clark, an attacker, noticed her activities several times and sent a fake email containing a deceptive page link to her social media page displaying all-new and trendy outfits. In excitement, Sophia clicked on the malicious link and logged in to that page using her valid credentials.

Which of the following tools is employed by Clark to create the spoofed email?





Miley, a professional hacker, decided to attack a target organization’s network. To perform the attack, she used a tool to send fake ARP messages over the target network to link her MAC address with the target system’s IP address. By performing this, Miley received messages directed to the victim’s MAC address and further used the tool to intercept, steal, modify, and block sensitive communication to the target system.

What is the tool employed by Miley to perform the above attack?






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