CEHv11 Exam Questions And Answered - Part 2

CEH V11 Real Exam Questions And Answered 

Let's Start Crack Exam

An attacker identified that a user and an access point are both compatible with WPA2 and WPA3 encryption. The attacker installed a rogue access point with only WPA2 compatibility in the vicinity and forced the victim to go through the WPA2 four-way handshake to get connected. After the connection was established, the attacker used automated tools to crack WPA2-encrypted messages.

What is the attack performed in the above scenario?

Downgrade security attack

Side-channel attack

Cache-based attack

Timing-based attack

In this attack, an adversary tricks a victim into reinstalling an already-in-use key. This is achieved by manipulating and replaying cryptographic handshake messages. When the victim reinstalls the key, associated parameters such as the incremental transmit packet number and receive packet number are reset to their initial values. What is this attack called?


Chop chop attack

Evil twin


Which of the following types of SQL injection attacks extends the results returned by the original query, enabling attackers to run two or more statements if they have the same structure as the original one?

Error-based injection

Blind SQL injection

Boolean-based blind SQL injection

Union SQL injection

Which of the following web vulnerabilities would an attacker be attempting to exploit if they delivered the following input?

<!DOCTYPE blah [ < !ENTITY trustme SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" > ] >





Peter, a system administrator working at a reputed IT firm, decided to work from his home and login remotely. Later, he anticipated that the remote connection could be exposed to session hijacking. To curb this possibility, he implemented a technique that creates a safe and encrypted tunnel over a public network to securely send and receive sensitive information and prevent hackers from decrypting the data flow between the endpoints.

What is the technique followed by Peter to send files securely through a remote connection?

SMB signing


Switch network


Attacker Rony installed a rogue access point within an organization's perimeter and attempted to intrude into its internal network. Johnson, a security auditor, identified some unusual traffic in the internal network that is aimed at cracking the authentication mechanism. He immediately turned off the targeted network and tested for any weak and outdated security mechanisms that are open to attack. What is the type of vulnerability assessment performed by Johnson in the above scenario?

Wireless network assessment

Host-based assessment

Application assessment

Distributed assessment

Clark is a professional hacker. He created and configured multiple domains pointing to the same host to switch quickly between the domains and avoid detection. Identify the behavior of the adversary in the above scenario.

Data staging

Use of DNS tunneling

Unspecified proxy activities

Use of command-line interface

Calvin, a software developer, uses a feature that helps him auto-generate the content of a web page without manual involvement and is integrated with SSI directives. This leads to a vulnerability in the developed web application as this feature accepts remote user inputs and uses them on the page. Hackers can exploit this feature and pass malicious SSI directives as input values to perform malicious activities such as modifying and erasing server files.

What is the type of injection attack Calvin’s web application is susceptible to?

Server-side template injection

Server-side includes injection

Server-side JS injection

CRLF injection

Bill has been hired as a penetration tester and cyber security auditor for a major credit card company.

Which information security standard is most applicable to his role?

Sarbanes–Oxley Act




Wilson, a professional hacker, targets an organization for financial benefit and plans to compromise its systems by sending malicious emails. For this purpose, he uses a tool to track the emails of the target and extracts information such as sender identities, mail servers, sender IP addresses, and sender locations from different public sources. He also checks if an email address was leaked using the haveibeenpwned.com API. Which of the following tools is used by Wilson in the above scenario?






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